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时间:2021-10-17 10:18:59  浏览次数:




The book shows us the progress of a remarkable American, who, through his ownenormous energies and efforts, made the unlikely journey from Hope, Arkansas, tothe White House---a journey fueled by an impassioned interest in the politicalprocess which manifested itself at every stage of his life: in college, workingas an intern for Senator William Fulbright; at Oxford, becoming part of theVietnam War protest movement; at Yale Law School, campaigning on the grassrootslevel for Democratic candidates; back in Arkansas, running for Congress,attorney general, and governor.

We see his career shaped by his resolute determination to improve the life ofhis fellow citizens, an unfaltering commitment to civil fights, and anexceptional understanding of the practicalities of political life.

We come to understand the emotional pressures of his youth--born after hisfather's death; caught in the dysfunctional relationship between his feisty,nurturing mother and his abusive stepfather, drawn to the brilliant, compellinglady whom he was determined to marry; passionately devoted, from her infancy, totheir daughter, and to the entire experience of fatherhood; slowly and painfullybeginning to comprehend how his early denial of pained him at times intodamaging patterns of behavior.








Though he “made a determined effort to study” under his father’s preaching,he studied out of his own interest. He was just like an gourmet greatly attachedto delicate food. Coarse and delicate, sweet and bitter, could well go into hisenormous stomach. Similarly, he would burst into an uproar while readinglow-brow books. He would chuckle while watching farcical parts in folk operasand even laugh out of his balance and imitate them again and again. As forrefined and sophisticated works, either philosophical, aesthetical works ortheoretical books of literature and arts, he would read them over and over, askids licking their candies As a result, he finished reading those thick booksone by one. Poetry was his favorite. If it were dictionaries, glossaries,encyclopedias which were too heavy to move, he would read them entry by entry,line by line. If there were any new version which he happened to come across, hewould never get tired of squeezing the new entry into the old ones. He used tomake notes while reading.





How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye it is already 4 years since Chinaacceded to the World Trade Organization ( WTO ). Over the past 4 years, Chinahas honored most of the commitments it made when joining the WTO, and some ofthem are even fulfilled ahead of schedule. In respect of the intellectualproperty issue that is of concern to WTO members, China launched a law revampprogram and investigated a great number of infringement cases. These effortshave achieved remarkable effect. The Chinese government has also revamped theadministrative laws and regulations at ministerial and local levels.

By making and honoring promises that can be counted on, China has shown itsutmost sincerity and largeness of mind as a great and responsiblecountry/nation, gaining acclamations from WTO members and international publicopinion. At the WTO annual deliberations, China’s efforts have been fullyrecognized over the years. To accord its domestic economy with the WTO rules,China has manifested strong willingness to undertake responsibility; it hasfulfilled its obligations as always and has never wavered.


The popular view when discussing urban transportation in American citiestoday is to decry its sorry state. Newspaper and journals are filled with talkof "urban transportation crisis," of the "difficulties of getting from here tothere, " and so on at great length. Matters are reported to get worse and veryquickly.

Everyone has his own favorite traumatic experience to report: of the occasionwhen many of the switches froze on New York's commuter railroads; of the sneaksnowstorm in Boston that converted thirty-minute commuter trips into seven hourordeals; of the extreme difficulties in Chicago and other Midwestern cities whensome particularly heavy and successive snowstorms were endured.

One reason for the talk of an urban transportation crisis in the UnitedStates today perhaps lies in a failure to meet anticipations. Many commutersexpected to reduce their commuting times as systems improved, but instead foundthemselves barely able to maintain the status quo in terms of timerequirements./ Another reason for talk of crisis, almost certainly, is the rateof improvement in the performance of urban transportation systems during rushhours has been markedly inferior to that expected during off-peak hours.Specifically, the ability to move quickly about American cities during non-rushhours has improved in a truly phenomenal fashion.








The grand spirit of Anti-aggression is a vivid reflection of the Chinesepeople’s persistent solidarity. Upon the Japanese invasion, China’s sons anddaughters, here or there, old or young, rich or poor, gather together with onemind and build up an insurmountable Great Wall in resistance, with their fleshand blood.

“Indulge never in money and rank, apostatize never when in poverty andhardship, surrender never to power and force.” In times of national crisis, thisformidable mettle and dauntless integrity prompt China’s sons and daughters togo through fire and water with the courage of despair, making the anti-Japanesewar moving and praise-worthy.

It is now the 60th anniversary of China’s anti-Japanese war and the world’santi-fascism war. And it is still of great significance today for us to reviewthe buskined history of fire and blood, to recall the great feats of the gallantmartyrs, and to carry forward our nation’s infinite morale ofanti-aggression.
